Your account has been Iimited untiI we hear from you (fake from “PayPal”)

Beware of fraudsters, which are sending such (or similar) letters.

PayPal secure ✔

Now check the account informations that belongs to you !

Why is my account access Iimited?

Your account access has been Iimited for the following reason(s):
21 Jan 2016 We need to confirm some of your account information.
Your case ID for this reason is PP-009-536-987-252.
We face a problem in the ratification of the real owner of the account . And for that you must follow the following steps :
1 Click on the Button Below

2Log In Enter email and password

3 Verify Your Informations To Activate Your Account

log In


Second version:

Dear Client,

Recently, your account was reviewed and flagged because of a potential connection to some fraudulent transactions.
To avoid an eventual restriction to your account, please verify your informations by logging in to our Litigations Manager.
confirm now
Thank you
