✅ Августовские добавления в чёрный список брокеров (2020)

Берегитесь следующих организаций:

Trader Platinum, Bronzemarkets, Altesso, Insure Trade, TX Capital (tx.capital), Antares Trade, Renessans, probot777, Sincere Systems, Apexcrypt, Marketfornow, «Гранд Премьер», Want Broker, ES Group, Raiffaisen, FXSpace, TradingTeck, AAA Global ltd, Activeksa, IGC10, Free Ton, Leafgreen Investments Pte Ltd, Imperial Crypto Market, Golden Day Profit Kamyip Co. Ltd, IOLCorp, Binariun, Foopu, Bing ProFX, KontoFX, Cloud Technology & Investments Pty Ltd, Cloud Token, Citadelle Corporate Services Pte Ltd, Global Online Market Limited, Pro Markets, Crewire Holdings Ltd, Primecapitec, CB Capital Ltd, Infinitrade, Sandberg Financial, VIP Brokers, Brimex, Get Financial Markets Ltd, SNRC Foundation Ltd, AxiCorp Financial Services Pty Ltd, Axitrader, Globalix Ltd, Cryptoexp, TorexFX, Initial Merit Secure Ltd, Nextrade Worldwide Ltd, STP Broker, Finogo, Iberia Markets Ltd, Hedgespots, Kodimax, Oceanic OBU, Crown-Finance, The Antrim Group Pte Ltd, The Offshore Securities and Futures Regulatory Commission, A Long Asia Liquidity, RI Markets, Fcorp Services Ltd, Intertrade Pw, Dealing World, Abank, FUB International, UproFX, FxReview, FX Bester, FX Gking Markets Limited, Besseme International Investment Group, Bessemer International Investment Group, Throne Legacy Capital Kryptoia Pte Ltd, WisXe UAB, One Trade Group, Global Alliance, VOW-ASIA, Actual Commercial Broker, FXLeader, Envy Asset Management Pte Ltd, XM Global Limited, Wellington & York Partners, Payout Options Limited, Cryptoflightfx, BinTradeClub, Jiasheng Asia Pacific Ltd, Credit Financier Invest, SCK Securities, InvestTeck.

Они добавлены в чёрный список брокеров в августе 2020 года.



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