Лохоброкер EMU и криптовалютный налог через сингапурский банк

Мошеннический брокер EMU выманивает деньги на карты дропов в российских банках, таких как Тинькофф. В частности, мошенники используют такие карты.

Владилен Б. 5280 4137 5190 3902
Сергей П. 4377 7237 6147 0114;
Александр О. 5280 4137 5170 4938;
Олег Н. 5536 9139 2255 2415;
Кристина М. 5280 4137 5104 3295;
Анастасия К. 5280 4137 5117 5790.

При попытке вывести деньги со «счёта» мошенники EMU (trade .em-u .com)

Пишут письмо на английском языке якобы от Сингапурского банка (Bank of Singapore) с адреса technicalsupport@bankofsingapore.uk.com. В письме сказано, что необходимо оплатить криптовалютный налог в размере 33% от баланса клиента («Cryptocurrency tax is 33% of the client’s balance»).

Письмо полностью

——- Пересылаемое сообщение ———
Дата: 17.03.2021, 16:51
Кому: ******
Тема: Attention

Dear *****

We received your transaction on 03/17/2021, we are in a hurry to inform you about the status of your transit account.
Your balance for today, 03/17/2021, is *** BTC ($ ***).
Your funds are ready to be sent, check the details of the international bank transfer you provided:

Beneficiary Bank Tinkoff Bank
Beneficiary Name ****
Payment Type Fund Transfer
Beneficiary Account ****

You need to write us a letter before you start paying taxes, pay taxes and write a letter about the completion of tax payments. Expect funds to be credited to your bank account.
Then write to us an application for a tax refund under the Tax Free system.

Your transaction amount is *** BTC
(US $ ***). exceeded preferential taxation of 0.1 BTC from 01.03.2021 and was suspended due to the lack of tax payments on cryptocurrency and the illegality of the origin of funding.
The IRAS of Singapore has defined Bitcoin as a product or service for tax purposes.
and this is the only legal definition of cryptocurrency in the country.
Regarding cryptocurrencies, legal regulations in the field of countering
money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism are applied.
Cryptocurrency tax is 33% of the client’s balance.

In Singapore, all cryptocurrency income is taxed regardless of its source of origin.
Due to the fact that your offshore account has never been taxed on cryptocurrency.
You need to pay tax of 33% — *** BTC ($ ***) from your current balance of $***.
If the payment is less than the amount specified in the system, the transaction will not be recognized by the cryptographic data encryption system.
According to federal law, this amount cannot be debited from the current transit account.
This transaction is direct evidence that you are not tax evasion and that your funds are of legal origin.
According to federal law, this tax amount is 33% and is returned to your bank account within 30 business days.
Otherwise, we will have to start discussing the transfer of your application to the Arbitration Court.

For further investigation, you as an object of financial monitoring in the event of tax evasion and money laundering through the Bank of Singapore.
Your secure transit account is valid until 18.03.2021 23:00 GMT +0.

The bank provides you with the details of the cryptocurrency:

Bank of Singapore
63 Market Street, 22nd Floor Bank of Singapore Centre, Singapore 048942
Company Registration Number 197700866R
GST Registration Number M200265939
ARBN: 073 598 035
ABN: 94 073 598 035
Registration Date: 22/05/1996

Kaizen Choo

Financial department

63 Market Street, #17-00 Bank of Singapore Centre, Singapore 048942

The information in this Internet email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this Internet email by anyone else is unauthorized.

If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. When addressed to our clients any opinions or advice contained in this Internet email are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in Bank of Singapore Limited’s terms of business or other terms agreed between Bank of Singapore Limited and our clients.

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Что такое дроп?



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