Письмо мошенников из «Прайм-Юрист»

Пример писем, которые шлют потенциальным жертвам лжеюристы из «Прайм-Юрист» (prime-lawyer .com), также известны как «Юрист-Групп».

Dear Mrs. *****,

In connection with your request ****, we have conducted a hearing on your trading account.

After a full check of the history of your trading account registered with Pineda International, a number of violations of the clauses of the public offer agreement were revealed, namely clauses 1.6, 2.1.1, 2.4, 4.6 and other clauses of the electronic agreement. uncovered. were discovered.

We also found more serious violations by brokerage companies and the legislation of our state on financial institutions.

After a full check of the history of transactions on your trading account, we found discrepancies between the quotes at the time of opening your trades with the quotes of real liquidity providers. It was also found that the entrance to the personal account and the trading terminal was carried out from several IP addresses.

In connection with these violations, we make a decision in your favor. Taking into account the full amount on your trading terminal and all compensation payments, we have frozen *** BTC on the broker’s accounts and are ready to send this amount to you as the rightful owner. Due to the revocation of Pineda International’s license, your funds are also frozen, we expect you to provide a bank account.

This amount can be transferred to any bank account licensed by the Electronic Money Institution (EMI) and also associated with Bitcoin, please note that this account can be personal or transit.

Thank you for your cooperation.

ОГРН 1147746472785
ИНН/КПП 7743925168/774301001
Юридический адрес:
125499, город Москва, улица Лавочкина, дом 16 корпус 1
тел.: 7 495 049 27 29



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Спасибо! Значит «потеряла» 750 тысяч рублей,которые обещали вернуть.