Лжеюристы представляются Adiora

Подскажите, пожалуйста, это мошенники?



The International Court of Justice, which has its seat in The Hague is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.


to investigate violations of the 5AMLD

This European Centre for Serious and Organized Crime document dated 02 March 2020, authorizes the law firm Adiora LLP to investigate and recover funds for victims of cyber fraud and financial fraud.

AMLD5 expands the range of obligated persons to include virtual currency providers. depository wallet providers and art dealers involved in transactions or series of transactions of €1,000 or more. It also applies to auditors, external accountants and tax advisors who provide material aid, assistance or tax advice as their main material aid, assistance or tax advice as their main activity or professional activity. When conducting investigative activities, in addition to collecting identification data and conducting client due diligence based on documents, data or information obtained from a reliable source, if available, it should include electronic identification recognized as acceptable by national authorities. With regard to enhanced due diligence (EDD) for customers and high-risk countries, AML/CFT Article 18a5 details

specific measures. The competencies and powers are contained in the main supplement to the authorization 842016491 dated March 02, 2020.

To forward the results of the investigation to the responsible officer of the European European Centre for Serious and Organized Crime. Elisabeth Weber.

2) Подскажите пожалуйста, это мошенники? Очень большая сумма зависла на кошельке Bitget Wallet. При сотрудничестве с юристом из этой компании потерял ещё деньги. Сказали что нашли, перевели на Bybit Wallet ,нужно было пополнить его для активации, потом перевод на Bitget Wallet, где тоже нужно для активации его пополнить, сумма большая . Сайт adiora.cc/


Да, мошенники. Якобы фирма Adiora получила некие полномочия. Сайт мошенников: adiora.cc. Якобы они находятся в Эстонии и Германии по адресам Tartu mnt 2, офис 25 10145, Таллин, Эстония. Hermanstr. 15, 86150 Augsburg; Zeppelinstr. 73, 81669 München. Используют Telegram: @lawfirm_support, E-Mail: info@adiora.cc



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