Fake от FCA: «Declaration on the ownership of crypto assets»

Declaration on the ownership of crypto assets
No. 275093
By the taxpayer income, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines,
interestincome, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines, interest of
ownership of a crypto asset
Taxpayer (fee payer, insurance premium payer, tax agent) physical
**** Resident of the Republic Kazakhstan
Personal IIN Number 56021*****1002, as of April 4, 2023, has storage in the
blockchain system number wallet
in the amount of 0.44998799 BTC (hereinafter referred to as the
dimensional unit — cryptoasset) in accordance with the legislation of the
Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the Federal Tax Service of Russia for
Moscow, Financial operations and other transactions should be understood
as actions with cash, crypto assets, securities and other property aimed at
establishing, changing or terminating civil rights or obligations associated
with them. Notarized, which proves their legal capacity. As an equivalent of
an apostille and attestation worldwide, documents have undergone the
following procedures:
Authentication. Includes the search for a certificate of freedom based on
fiscal checks, a document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and gives the
right to use property funds in the public domain.
Unique number №7732-6731\71219


Это фальшивый документ якобы от британского регулятора FCA.

Типовые уловки мошенников.

В последнее время возврат от лжеброкеров и прочих аферистов крайне маловероятен, так как мошенники используют способы, не подходящие под возврат (переводы на карты подставных лиц и криптовалюты).

В этой сфере много телефонных мошенников, обещающих возврат. Они обычно используют реквизиты чужих или вымышленных фирм. И постоянно меняют имена и названия.

Никому ничего не переводите.

Прочтите, пожалуйста, внимательно:

Как вернуть деньги от брокера / мошенника. Памятка.

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