Мошенники из Financial Commission (security@financialcommission.in) шлют жертве такое письмо, якобы его сумма найдена где-то то ли в блокчейне, то ли в Visa.
Chargeback 7721112-33
We conducted additional monitoring on bank transfers from the account-4405639737388536
Unfortunately, our payment system cannot accompany your
return as the funds were transferred through the Blockchain system.
You can contact the Blockchain security team for further
As for the Visa payment system, the acquiring bank, upon the request of the recipient’s side, carried out a full conversion of the received funds in the amount of 12467.67 USD into crypto currency.
Transaction number: 05637846592827184
Подписывайтесь на телеграм-канал Финсайд и потом не говорите, что вас не предупреждали: https://t.me/finside.
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