Лжеюристы представляются как COMPANY LAW SOLUTIONS LIMITED (complawsolution.com)

Свои услуги по возврату денег от мошенников предлагает сайт complawsolution.com, на котором указаны реквизиты COMPANY LAW SOLUTIONS LIMITED; Spaceworks, Benton Park Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE7 7LX, +44 208 073 15 29, contact@complawsolution.com; Solicitors Regulation Authority, registration number 02689833.

“COMPANY LAW SOLUTIONS LIMITED is a professional team of lawyers specializing in various areas of law. We offer a wide range of legal services for individuals and legal entities. Our main goal is to protect the interests of our clients and provide them with legal support at the highest level. We are proud of our experienced specialists, who are always ready to advise and assist in solving the most complex legal issues. Relationships with our clients are built on the principles of trust, professionalism and confidentiality. At CLS we strive to achieve the best results for each client and guarantee an individual approach to each case. If you need legal assistance, contact us and we will be happy to help you solve any legal issues”, — обманывают на сайте.

В команду якобы входят Richard Grownson, Lianne Wilson, Jaden Smith, Jessica Kim, Selena Forth.

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