Лжеюристы шлют поддельный документ от British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission

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Финансовые регуляторы, в том числе British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission, не занимаются возвратом денег от мошенников.


The Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law
Recieved request from:
Compensation of funds under the procedure rolling reserve

Amount refunded:

0.328804 BTC



We would like to inform you that in connection with the complaint letter received from your representative EXPERT SUISSE, a decision has been made regarding the brokerage company «FGM Technology LTD

We are an international financial organization Financial Services Commission Mauritius which unites the national regulators of the secunties market has conducted an investigation on your case.

The brokerage company is currently registered in British Virgin Islands and is in the process of having its license revoked through

The BVI FSC regulator, who provided us with the information we needed to investigate. After checking the registry of this brokerage company. It was found out that there was a correspondence in terms of time and amounts received into the company’s cryptocurrency bank account and time and amounts of your bank transfers, so your investor status was confirmed

Having thoroughly studied the information provided by you, we are pleased to inform you that we have found gross violations in relation to you as an investor. Moreover, your account was fully inspected for violations of the rules of the brokerage companies and as a result of this inspection 7 violations were revealed Listed below are the most serious violations:

1. Providing you with brokerage services without the permission of the regulatory body of your country.

2. Conclusion of the electronic offer contract for brokerage services without full package of documents (trading account opening form, risk declarations, taxation notice signed by the client.

3. Providing you with dealer details to credit the investment, not the company’s legal account

4. Management of your personal account was performed from different devices of the company. In addition, a high activity of financial transactions in your account in the form of bitcoins was noticed. 5. The trading history of your account does not comespond to the data in analytical accounting reports of the

company 6. Quotes of the transactions displayed do not comespond to the quotes of real liquidity providers. Also, only a part of the deals are listed which were opened by the brokerage company from your trading account, thus hiding the profit made on your investment.

7. Employees of the company have made expenditure cash transactions on your account, which is strictly prohibited by the regulations of the dealer and brokerage licenses.

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