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PERBADANAN LABU CORPORATIO LABUAN LEVN Financial Control Service Labuan RESOLUTION LEVN 34080991-15/2 In accordance with the regulation LEVN-OP-15/2 "ΑΡΡΟΙΝΤMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF PAYMENTS dated June 01, 2014, the LEVN Commission decided on the following 1. Assign a payment to ****, Personal No- "****" in the amount of 107.213.81 USD. "The amount identified as a result of the examination of the trading account 15 74.448.32 USD. *The amount of the penalty for late performance of obligations to the consumer based on the calculation of 1% for each day of delay (30 days) is 22,334.40 USD "Actual expenses incurred and moral damage incurred is 10,431.09 USD 2. Secure the assigned amount in the amount 107,213.81 USD in the LEVN fund m the name of ****, Personal No: "****" on demand. 3. Set a period of five calendar days for requesting payment from the date of entry into force of the decision. Adopted 24.09.2024 Mr. J. Aloysius Tarlue, Jr. Governing Board Financial Control Service Labuan
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