✅ Энфилд, Метцлер, TradeFW, Cinpax, UBS Groups в чёрном списке брокеров

Берегитесь следующих организаций. Они добавлены в чёрный список брокеров 11-20 сентября 2021 года.

Eva Capitals, Marshall Islands, +442086381110 (evacapitals.com). Развод на деньги.
Safe Financial Foundation (sff.capital, sff.group, enigmo.online). Управление активами без лицензии.
Meteor Trade, Incendiary Group LTD, 2021 /IBC 00031, 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley, 00152 Commonwealth of Dominica (meteortrade.pro). Обычный лжеброкер.
Чат-Крипто Инвестиции, Соня Крипто, КриптоЗаработок (cripto_invest_grup3). Как обманывают.
Kredo Capital Group, Дмитрий Приходько (kredo-capital.com)
GTV, Global Trading Vision, 245 Whitechapel Road London (globaltradevision.com)
TradeFW, CySEC #298/16, +37126742242, Честер Зоитс, Chester Zoits (tradefw.site)
Eurostandarte, Pineda International SP Zoo, 5272932890, Polska 01-234 Warszawa, Marcina Kasprzaka 31 (eurostandarte.com, portal-finance.org). Развод на инвестициях.
Op-Investing, Guldbergskov 7, st. 9289 Nyborg. The company operates under the requirements of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (Licence Number: 456/88), the International Financial Services Commission (IFSC) (32/476/TS/66) and the Financial Services Commission of the Republic of Mauritius (Investment Dealer Licence Number: 0972854332) (opinvesting.net, opinvesting.com). Обман через девушек в соцсетях.
Инфо канал, Крипто сигналы чат, crypto_chatik, khan_500. Якобы памп.
GDC Limited, 76 Buckingham Palace Rd London United Kingdom Swiw 9tq, +74958450118, +12122303100 (gdcinvestment.com)
Status Markets, +442080979112 (statusmarkets.com)
Comax Invest, +420517810259 (comaxinvest.com)
Saurus (saurus.pro)
Safe Trade (safe.trade)
Avalon Trading Bot (avalontrading_bot)
Westmarket Limited (westmarketlimited.com)
Atlantic Alliance Limited (atlanticalliancelimited.com)
Crown Business Solutions Ltd, Company number 06895564 (crown-business-solutions.com). Развод на деньги.
Cinpax, +18009851351, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (cinpax.com)
Status Markets, +442080979112, Marshall Islands (statusmarkets.com)
Comax Invest Limited (comaxinvest.com)
ACH Deal (achdeal.com)
ООО «Энфилд» (Enfield), ООО «Образовательный Центр», независимый консультационный центр (НКЦ) в Савёловский Сити, Москва, Новодмитровская ул., д.2, строение 2, +79378573146 Алина, +79965358135, Александр / +79638462998, +79279401850. Обещают доход в 2-4 раза.
Metzler, Метцлер, 123112, Россия, Москва, Пресненская набережная 8/1, ЭТАЖ 46 ПОМЕЩ. 461М, КОМ.1-10, +79670492095, башня «Город столиц» +79773804459, +74950853030 (metzlerbank.ru). <Бывший Омитекс.
Status Markets, MarCo Global projects LTD, 106690, Majuro (status-mark.com). Управление активами без лицензии.
UBS Groups (ubs-groups.com)

Американцы обвиняют Николая Евдокимова (пока не в мошенничестве)

Комиссия по ценным бумагам США (SEC) обвиняет Николая Евдокимова и инкубатор ICOBox в незарегистрированном предложении ценных бумаг и незарегистрированной брокерской деятельности.

Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам подала в суд на ICOBox и его основателя Николая Евдокимова за незаконное размещение цифровых токенов ICOBox на $14 млн и за то, что они выступали в качестве незарегистрированных брокеров для других предложений цифровых активов.

Читать далее Американцы обвиняют Николая Евдокимова (пока не в мошенничестве)

Scam alert. Swedish cryptocurrency on Facebook

«The banks no longer have full control over the people, and its only going to get better», — tells ad on Facebook (page Piradealch)

The links leads us to the website designed as famous Coindesk. But it’s just fake website.

On this website scammers are trying to take your money by selling you fake swedish coins.

Scammers write:

«It’s finally happened. A major worldwide government has just bestowed a huge vote of confidence and legitimacy onto the world of cryptocurrencies. Sweden, in an unprecedented move, just announced that they are officially adopting a certain cryptocurrency as Sweden’s official coin!

The Swedish government just informed us that they have chosen a preferred firm for the purchase and marketing of their new coin — Kryptonex Research Group. The sales of Sweden’s coin officially started September 10 of 2019 and currently these coins can be bought only from Kryptonex Research Group.

In fact, Sweden’s deputy minister of finance, Elias Karlsson, informed us that their new official coin starting price is just €0.30 cents! That’s right, their coin is incredibly inexpensive in comparison to most other coins out there. Bitcoin for example trades at €3,100 at the time of this writing, and Ethereum, trades at around €150.

In fact we were able to get Sir Richard Bronson’s thoughts on Sweden’s new coin and this is what he had to say:

Sir Richard Bronson’s states: «Anytime a major corporation announces even a small partnership with an individual cryptocurrency that coin’s value skyrockets. I can’t wait to see what happens when a government officially adopts a crypto. When the name of Sweden’s coin is released many people will become millionaires practically overnight.»

A few of us at Coindesk were curious enough to buy a couple coins just to see how everything looks and what the trading fees are like.

It was fairly easy to get the coins, but I will show you the whole process below for those that are interested.

First step was to fill out all the details. As you can see, nothing complicated so far.

Second step, I was taken to a purchase page and had to fill out my details.

For €250, I received 757 coins at 0.33 cents each. You can see current value of my coins on the same page.

The whole process was simple and I even received a phone call from one of Kryptonex Research Group’s friendly agents, but I didn’t really need any help as the whole process was easy enough.

After finishing this article, literally around 4 hours, I checked my wallet again and to my surprise:

In only 4 hours, the price increased from 0.33c to 0.78c. At this point, I was positively surprised. I am not selling my coins as of yet because all the experts predict that the price will rise to at least €1000 per coin in matter of months.

Kryptonex Research Group was kind enough to give us a 100% accurate coin movement price counter, so everyone can see the increase directly on this page».